
What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Which Originated in China over 5,000 years ago. This science and art of healing has become widely accepted over the past three decades. It has now been established as a profession in Australia.

Acupuncture is a form of natural healing which has the following major benefits:

  • drug-free pain relief

  • assists prevention against disease

  • treat the cause as well as the symptoms

  • holistic approach to illness, linking body, mind and emotions

  • effectively treat many common ailments

Acupuncture time table: Mondays - 9:30 to 5:00 pm | Thursdays - 9:30 to 3:00 pm

For an appointment, please call 5465-3001


Gabriel Estay is our Acupuncturist,

Gabriel has a B.H. Sc., (Acupuncture). Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Full Member of the Australian & Chinese Medicine Association Ltd. (AACMA).

  • Uses disposable needles only.

  • Herbal supplements available to patients.

  • Private Health funds rebates.



How does it work?  How can acupuncture help me?  How many treatments do I need? 

What will be my response to treatment? What does acupuncture treat?


How does it work?

The goal of acupuncture therapy is to establish a healthier state of body function and to increase the capacity to cope with stress.

The human body can be likened to a highly complex electrical circuit. Like any electrical circuit, it must be kept in good working order if ti is to function correctly. If the human circuit breaks down the results in illness.

Each person has an energy circulation. To maintain good health, it is essential for the body’s energy, as well as the blood, to circulate in a continuous and unobstructed manner. The pathways through which the energy flow are called meridians and these circulate through the organs and tissue of the body. The energy which flows along the meridians is call Qi (Chi). These meridians were mapped out by the ancient Chinese. Modern technological methods such as Kirlian photography, electronic, and thermal readings are now being used to detect meridians.

There are over 500 acupuncture points and these lie along the meridians.By stimulating these points with needles, the quality and quantity of energy (Qi) and fluids can be normalised. Often an area or acupuncture point is warmed and stimulated by a Chinese herb. This process is called Moxibustion. Suction cups and massage may be utilised to enhance the treatment.

How can acupuncture help me?

There are three main ways where acupuncture therapy can help.Treating specific disorders to provide relief of symptoms and reduce complications.

  1. Acupuncture is also used to treat the cause of the disorder and reduce the likelihood of its recurrence.

  2. Maintenance treatment of long term problem: This is to provide a more comfortable state of health and reduce the need for medication ans surgery..

The earlier a disorder is detected the better, so regular check-ups are recommended.

How many treatments do I need?

The number and frequency of treatments depends on several factors. These include the duration and intensity of your present disorder, your age, constitutions and individual circumstances, such as your desired health goal, are also taken in to account.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognises you as a complex blend of body, mind and emotion. During the first visit, your practitioner is concerned with all aspects of your health. Details your medical, surgical and family history and other relevant information such as exercise habits and occupation are collected. A general physical examination is conducted and the tongue and pulse are studied.

This allows an overall assessment of your current disorder, and gives an understanding of its cause.

Your acupuncturist can then give you a general idea of how many treatments are required.

What can I do to assist my therapy?

Moderation in all things is a good principle. Some things you can do include:

  • Setting a personal health goal

  • Regular intake of fresh air and water

  • Enjoy able nutritious meals

  • Balance physical exerciseInteresting recreations

  • Positive mental attitude

  • Adequate rest and relaxation

What will be my response to treatment?

Often the first response you notice is a change in your general health. Sleep, digestion and energy are often improve. Individual variations do occur; some people respond quickly to treatment while others show a gradual improvement.


What does acupuncture treat?

There is a wide range of disorders that can be treated.

You are advised to consult you acupuncturist for an opinion.

The World Health Organisation (December 1979) recognises a number of disorders that have been treated by acupuncture. These are emphasised in bold print in the following list which also includes other common disorders that respond to acupuncture.